Archive for the ‘hawaii’ Tag

65th Anniversary Party – June 23rd, 2014   Leave a comment

Come join us in celebrating 65 great years of Toastmasters. If you have ever been a member of Kamehameha Toastmasters, or if you want to know what this Toastmasters thing is about, please come by. Ward Warehouse, 2nd Floor Kewalo Conference Room 6:00 p.m., June 23rd 2014

Posted June 9, 2014 by admin in Uncategorized

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How I Got My Nickname   Leave a comment

Our club president, Charles Mole, gave a speech at Honolulu’s Finest Club. This is the speech that won him the District 49 Humorous Speech Contest.

Posted March 6, 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

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